Pre-Procedure Information Open Access Colonoscopy

What to Expect from Your Colonoscopy Procedure

Watch this informational video to learn more about the Open Access Colonoscopy procedure at Zazen Surgery Center.

Pre-Procedure Form

Please fill out our pre-procedure patient form in advance of your scheduled appointment.

Pre-Procedure Form

Preparing for Your Colonoscopy Procedure

Learn how to prepare for your upcoming Open Access Colonoscopy procedure with this quick, informational video.

Colonoscopy Prep Instructions

Please read the following instructions carefully.

  1. You must have a RESPONSIBLE ADULT TO DRIVE you home after the procedure. (NO UBER, NO TAXI)
  2. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT SET THE ARRIVAL TIMES. You will receive a call from the facility at least 1-2 days before your procedure with your expected arrival time and pre-registration. If you have questions regarding your arrival time, PLEASE CONTACT THE FACILITY DIRECTLY.
  3. If you DO NOT receive a call by 3pm the day before your procedure, PLEASE CALL THE FACILITY.
  4. If biopsies are taken, results can take up to 10-14 days to come in. You must schedule a follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-procedure. Results will be discussed at your follow-up. If no follow up is necessary, we may contact you to cancel the appointment.

One Week Prior

  • 5 days prior to your procedure, begin to reduce residue in your diet. Refrain from eating nuts, seeds, corn and popcorn, RAW fruits and vegetables. Discontinue fiber supplements, such as Metamucil, Citracel, Fiberall, Benefiber, etc.
  • If you are taking any of the following BLOOD THINNERS: Asprin, Plavix/Clopidogrel, Coumadin/Warfarin, Effient, Pradaxa, Eliquis
  • Please confirm pre-procedure protocol set by your cardiologist or call our office.
  • If you are DIABETIC and on insulin or >1 diabetic medications:
  • Please confirm pre-procedure protocol set by your PCP/Endocrinologist.

Day Before Procedure

  • Clear Liquid Diet ALL DAY (refer to the Clear Liquid Diet information below)
  • General Hints:
  • Try drinking 1 cup of ginger ale before you start to settle your stomach. You can also have ginger ale in between prep drinks.
  • Refrigerate your prep, or you can add ice to chill prep.
  • You may add Crystal Light (NO PURPLE OR RED) to mask the taste of the prep.
  • If you are vomiting:
  • Take a break for 30 minutes. If not feeling better, call surgery center: 281-869-3011
  • You should expect to have >10 bowel movements/diarrhea within the first 1-2 hours after drinking the solution.
  • GOAL: Drink all of the prep solution. Stools should be clear (similar to apple juice), without any remaining stool. *If during the procedure it is deemed that you had an inadequate prep, then this may result in a cancellation of the procedure, or you may have to repeat your colonoscopy sooner than would be desired.

Day of Procedure

  • If you are on split dosing protocol, drink the other half of your prep solution 4-5 hours prior to arrival.
  • Please take your morning meds for blood pressure, seizures, anxiety, and inhalers with a small sip of water. Please confirm with the provider.
  • You may hold off on all other medications until after the procedure.
  • Clear Liquid Diet


    (Day before procedure)

    This diet provides fluids that leave little residue and are easily absorbed with minimal digestive activity. This diet is inadequate in all essential nutrients and is recommended only if clear liquids are temporarily needed.


    Foods Allowed:

    • Clear broth (chicken, beef, vegetable, etc.)
    • Black coffee (no dairy/creamer)
    • Water and mineral water (plain, carbonated or flavored)
    • Tea
    • Jell-O: Lime, Lemon, Peach, Pineapple, Apricot flavors are ok
    • Popsicles (water-based)
    • Fruit juices: White grape, Lemonade, Apple (NO PULP, NO RED OR PURPLE)

    Foods to Avoid:

    • NO dairy products (milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, creamy soups, etc.)
    • NO meats or meat substitutes
    • NO vegetables
    • NO grains or starches
    • NO alcoholic beverages
    • NO oatmeal or cream of wheat

    Sample Menu:


    White grape juice (NO PULP)

    Clear broth




    Apple juice

    Clear broth





    Clear broth




  • Miralax Colonoscopy Preparation

    a box of dulcolax laxative next to a bottle of miralax laxative

    **A minimum of 2 liters of water should be consumed the DAY BEFORE your procedure.

    Purchase at the pharmacy:

    All are available over the counter—no prescription required.

    • One box of Dulcolax tablets (laxative)
    • 236 gram bottle of Miralax powder
    • 64 ounces of clear fluids (Examples: water, Gatorade, apple juice, Crystal Light–anything clear. NO RED or PURPLE varieties.)

    4:00pm - Take two (2) Dulcolax tablets with at least eight (8) ounces of water.

    6:00pm - Mix the 236 grams of Miralax in 64 ounces of clear liquid of your choice—see examples above. Shake the solution until the Miralax is dissolved. Drink an 8 ounce glass of the solution every 10-15 minutes until 8 glasses of the solution are consumed.

    10:00pm - Take two (2) Dulcolax tablets with at least eight (8) ounces of water.

    Your stools should be clear (like apple juice). You may continue to drink CLEAR liquids until midnight. DO NOT EAT—nothing after midnight.


    You may take your morning prescription medications as directed on the day of the procedure with sips of water only. Any other liquids that morning may result in cancellation of your procedure.

    **Diabetic patients: Take ½ dose of medication in the morning before the procedure. DO NOT take your medication the day of the procedure.

Schedule Your Appointment Now!

Call us at (281) 869-3011 or email us to schedule your colonoscopy with Zazen Surgery Center.

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